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Home Projects University Social Relations at the Time of Personal Media in the Italian Ecclesial Reality. Subjects, Networks and Opportunities for Pastoral, Community and Educational Intervention. Social Relations at the Time of Personal Media in the Italian Ecclesial Reality.
Home Projects University Human-Robot Confluence: towards a multimodal analysis of human-robot interactions. Human-Robot Confluence: towards a multimodal analysis of human-robot interactions Milan, 2018 - 2021 The social dynamics that are established with robots would be analysed on three levels: The proximal man-robot interaction: a first dimension of analysis concerns the interaction between man and robot in the context of a shared motor activity. New generation robots perceive the physical characteristics of the environment around them and negotiate the use of resources in that space with other objects, robots, or humans. One reason is undoubtedly related to physicality, and the tangibility of autonomous robots that act as catalysts for interaction and create that particular phenomenon whereby human beings tend to anthropomorphize robots. However, as highlighted by the "Uncanny valley" phenomenon, there remains a certain level of emotional discomfort in the interaction with robots that limits human involvement in the interaction, reducing the level of "presence" of robots. Faculties involved: Faculty of Political and Social Sciences; Faculty of Education; Faculty of Psychology; Faculty of Arts and Philosophy; Faculty of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences; Faculty of Linguistic Sciences and Foreign Literatures. Campus: Milan Academic discipline: scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche scienze psicologiche Scientific research manager: Prof. Giuseppe Riva Research period: 2018 - 2021 #robotica #interazione #trust #teoria della mente #engagement #presenza #percezione.
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Home Projects University Working Out of Poverty: accompanying the poor to become dignified agents of their development. L'affermazione della centralità del lavoro umano nella questione sociale, propria della tradizione cristiana, ha un profondo valore che trascende spazio e tempo; si giustifica perciò questa proposta di ricerca che osa coprire aree geografiche e tempi diversi. Le attività del gruppo di ricerca prevedono un dialogo transdisciplinare che si interseca con l'attività fondamentale di ricerca empirica sui diversi studi di caso. La metodologia degli studi di caso si contraddistingue per la tensione alla transdisciplinarità e per l'adozione di un approccio multi-instrument con l'uso di tecniche di analisi quali metodi misti quali-quantitativi (in particolare, analisi qualitativa di interviste e quantative textual analysis), analisi d'impatto, field experiments, economia comportamentale.
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Home Projects University La tecnica tra enhancement e precarietà: apprendere dall'umano alla prova del suo limite. The enhancement is not able to "absorb" all the excess capacity that is produced in social life, in a twofold sense. The third question concerns the recognition of precariousness not as an evil to be eradicated but as a constitutive dimension of the human condition: a challenge that is faced by reopening to transcendence and rejecting the claims of reduction within the immanent framework. Only through a well understood conception of the limit of the human being it is possible to overcome the different forms of exclusive humanism characterizing both the posthuman and transhuman imaginaries and the processes of precariousness. Starting from experiences in which human limits are tested, it is possible to regain an integral look at humanism in the age of technology, to illuminate openings on that transcendence being denied and to discover instructive practices of social generativity.
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The Research Projects Structures Publications Highlights The Research Mission and
The Research Projects Structures Publications Highlights The Research Mission and
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