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Home Pubblicazioni Premi alle pubblicazioni di alta qualità 2023 Scienze giuridiche Scienze giuridiche Pubblicazioni : Altimari, Mirko Diritto del lavoro e società pubbliche. Tra impresa e amministrazione Arrigoni, Matteo Informazioni privilegiate e funzionamento dei mercati finanziari Berti, Nicola La modifica dei provvedimenti amministrativi Regazzoni, Luigi La garanzia nel diritto dei contratti. Logiche economiche, scelte legislative e autonomia privata Rusconi, Carlo Consensualismo principio dell’iscrizione e polifunzionalità della pubblicità tavolare Schneider, Giulia Health data pools under european data protection and competition law.
Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche
Cinque dispositivi postmediali (più uno) Kuznetsova, Natalia Compensatory effects of foot structure in segmental durations of Soikkola Ingrian disyllables and trisyllables Tuci, Paolo Andrea Tibrone, un armosta poco intraprendente? Note su uno spartano in Asia.
Home Pubblicazioni Premi alle pubblicazioni di alta qualità 2023 Scienze mediche Scienze mediche Pubblicazioni : Alivernini, Stefano The pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis Avolio, Alfonso Wolfango L-GrAFT and EASE scores in liver transplantation.
Scienze economiche e statistiche
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Home Pubblicazioni Premi alle pubblicazioni di alta qualità 2023 Scienze politiche e sociali Scienze politiche e sociali Pubblicazioni: Carlo, Simone; Buscicchio, Giulia Digital media domestication and job paths among oder people: an ethnographic investigation Landi, Camilla; Corradini, Francesca; Limongelli, Paola Enrica Unconventional practice placements as learning experiences. Social work students’ views in an online survey Parsi, Vittorio Emanuele The wrecking of the liberal world order.
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The landscape of the medieval Carthusian Monasteries in Piedmont: between history and enhancement
P2022PZ5YJ - CUP J53D23017770001 - Finanziato dall'Unione europea Next Generation EU Il progetto intende esplorare la relazione dinamica tra i monasteri certosini piemontesi medievali (XII-XV secolo) e l'ambiente, una relazione che ha dato origine a un tipo di paesaggio la cui permanenza è ancora rintracciabile e valorizzabile oggi. Il progetto mira ad evidenziare una specifica stratificazione temporale, quella del Medioevo, e un paesaggio specifico, quello dei monasteri certosini in Piemonte, e verificare la loro permanenza nel corso dei secoli. L'intenzione è quindi di analizzare il modo in cui un'istituzione - la Certosa - ha interagito con il suo ambiente ed è stata influenzata da esso, creando un paesaggio culturale. Al centro dell'analisi non c'è un singolo soggetto, preso individualmente, ma una relazione, quella tra uomo e ambiente - visto non come un semplice sfondo passivo - osservata nel suo divenire nel tempo. L'intenzione è di guardare agli eventi attraverso un antropocentrismo critico, che, piuttosto che escludere o ignorare l'uomo, tenta invece di comprendere le interazioni dinamiche tra società ed ecosistemi. L'approccio allo studio del paesaggio deve essere interdisciplinare, cioè coinvolgere una comunicazione attiva tra conoscenze, l'intersezione di competenze e l'integrazione degli obiettivi di ricerca. In questo modo, il progetto di ricerca potrebbe non essere rivolto esclusivamente all'indagine pura ma potrebbe implicare ripercussioni sulla protezione, sulle scelte di conservazione, sulla gestione e sulla valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale.
Home Progetti Finanziatori nazionali Climate change, catastrophic events, risk management and accountability: building a just culture for a disaster resilient society. Climate change, catastrophic events, risk management and accountability: building a just culture for a disaster resilient society Milano, 2023 - 2025 PNRR per la Missione 4, Componente 2, Investimento 1.1 - Avviso 1409/2022 - Prot. P2022XWYRS - CUP J53D23019070001 - Finanziato dall'Unione europea Next Generation EU Il progetto vuole investigare le conseguenze derivanti dall’accertamento della responsabilità penale in capo agli operatori tenuti alla previsione e gestione delle calamità naturali (in particolare di tipo idro-meteorologico) sul buon andamento del Sistema di Protezione civile italiano. Si tratta di fenomeni, questi ultimi, la cui verificazione è attesa con frequenza e intensità crescente a causa del cambiamento climatico in atto. Il gruppo di ricerca è composto da giuristi, sociologi dell’organizzazione e ingegneri idraulici.
Governance of Sustainable Transition (GOST)
Governance of Sustainable Transition (GOST) Milano, 2023 - 2025 PNRR per la Missione 4, Componente 2, Investimento 1.1 - Avviso 1409/2022 - Prot. Sia l'Unione Europea sia i governi nazionali hanno gradualmente introdotto regole o raccomandazioni specifiche per integrare la sostenibilità nei meccanismi di governo societario, ma queste regole o principi non sono stati molto efficaci nel cambiare l'approccio delle imprese alla sostenibilità. È quindi importante analizzare quali siano gli ostacoli che spesso limitano l'integrazione della sostenibilità nella governance aziendale, e quali forme innovative di governance potrebbero facilitare tale integrazione. Questo progetto di ricerca si propone di indagare la reale efficacia degli strumenti di governance della sostenibilità adottati dalle imprese, al fine di comprendere quali siano i fattori abilitanti e ostacolanti rispetto all'integrazione dei temi socio-ambientali nei processi decisionali e negli assetti organizzativi delle imprese. Il progetto di ricerca, ispirato a un approccio di action research, coinvolgerà sia accademici sia professionisti nell’analisi di casi studio, che saranno confrontati per cogliere le best practices relative ai meccanismi tradizionali e innovativi di governance della sostenibilità. Sulla base di questa analisi preliminare sarà poi realizzata una survey per verificare la replicabilità di queste best practices, valutandone i rischi e le opportunità. Le evidenze della survey consentiranno di sviluppare raccomandazioni e linee guida per aziende e policymakers, e le attività di divulgazione favoriranno la creazione di maggiore consapevolezza tra aziende e professionisti.
La diffusione della pandemia di AIDS, tuttavia, e l'emergere inaspettato di altre gravi malattie infettive come Ebola e SARS hanno notevolmente ridimensionato questa speranza illusoria. Successivamente, l'emergenza sanitaria che ha visto la diffusione mondiale del Covid-19 ha definitivamente infranto ogni residuo ottimismo scientifico, evidenziando drammaticamente la fragilità della nostra specie di fronte all'aggressione di patogeni sempre nuovi e potenzialmente letali. Alla luce di questo quadro, lo studio delle malattie infettive - endemiche ed epidemiche - che hanno colpito l'umanità nei secoli passati non può certamente essere considerato inutile o obsoleto. Peste, tifo, sifilide, vaiolo, colera, tubercolosi e malaria furono avversari che costrinsero i nostri antenati a sviluppare strategie di controllo politico e a perfezionare il livello delle conoscenze mediche, in uno sforzo che è continuato ininterrottamente fino ai giorni nostri. Da un lato, quindi, il team di studiosi coinvolti nel progetto si concentrerà sullo studio dell'evoluzione della cultura medica, che ha sviluppato spiegazioni eziopatogenetiche e approcci terapeutici verso i singoli stati morbosi, la cui efficacia sarà attentamente valutata. Dall'altro, le politiche di sanità pubblica, che, basate sull'osservazione empirica della natura contagiosa di queste malattie, prescrivevano (tra le altre cose) forme di isolamento e segregazione, riportate in auge durante la recente crisi epidemica mondiale, saranno oggetto specifico di analisi. Da un lato, quindi, sarà esaminato l'approccio individuale al malato e, dall'altro, sarà analizzata la dimensione pubblica della medicina, con tutti i suoi molteplici strumenti di politica sanitaria, cercando di identificare gli elementi istituzionali, politici, culturali, sociali ed economici e le loro reciproche interconnessioni.
L2L: From Lemmatizers to Linkers
Home Progetti Finanziatori internazionali L2L: From Lemmatizers to Linkers. L2L: From Lemmatizers to Linkers Milano, 2022 - 2023 The goal of the L2L project is to create a new CLARIN Resource Family of interoperable resources based on the Linguistic Linked Open Data paradigm. To this end, existing LOD-capable resources already integrated in CLARIN are reviewed, and the model of the “ LiLa-Linking Latin ” project ( ) is expanded. The first step of L2L will be to list all the LOD-compliant resources available within CLARIN’s VLO and Switchboard that satisfy at least the first 4 points in Berners-Lee’s 5-star classification and are potentially ready to be included in the Resource Family. Step two is to integrate into the CLARIN Switchboard the LiLa’s Text Linker, a lemmatizer of Latin that generates RDF output where tokens are linked to the LiLa’s lemma collection. Finally, an extension of the LiLa model for a sample language (Italian) will be tested, using only CLARIN’s resources. At the end of L2L, the creation of a CLARIN Knowledge Center dedicated to interoperable, LLOD-compliant language resources will be promoted.
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LiLa Milano, 2018 - 2023 Although the research area dealing with building, sharing and exploiting linguistic resources and tools for automatic processing of Latin (and, more generally, of ancient languages) has seen a large growth across the last decade, linguistic resources for Latin are still not interoperable. This means that linguistic information is split up in many products that just do not talk to each other. Such a situation results in poor exploitation of the richness provided by all those digital objects for Latin that were produced across years of work. Since Latin is a dead language (thus missing native speakers), all we can and must do is to exploit to the best the information contained in those few and precious texts that survived from the past. To address such a challenge, LiLa intends to incorporate the linguistic resources for Latin into the Linked Data framework , making it possible for them to be published and interlinked on the web and to interact with each other. To this aim, the project will build an open-ended knowledge base for Latin by using the Linked Data paradigm to combine data from disparate linguistic resources, provide NLP web-services and include also Latin into the multilingual Linguistic Linked Open Data cloud .
KLEPTOTRACE Milano, 2023 - 2025 KLEPTOTRACE will boost the investigation, tracing and recovery of the assets related to transnational high-level corruption and to sanctioned regimes and entities through a combination of (i) research, (ii) training and (iii) data-driven tools. The KLEPTOTRACE toolbox will build on and improve the DATACROS tool by connecting new asset registers and data beyond firms (e.g. real estate, vessels, asset declarations, sanction lists), and by embedding innovative AI-based risk assessment functions.
INVERT Milano, 2023 - 2025 The INVERT project aims to combat the use of legal companies by labour traffickers who exploit victims by assisting EU prosecutor offices, law enforcement agencies (LEAs), and judicial authorities in identifying and disrupting these business models and the trafficking chain. The project will develop a fully functional and user-friendly prototype suite of risk assessment tools for prosecutor offices and LEAs officials to smoothen and improve their day-to-day activities and investigations related to labour trafficking , with special attention to child victims. The prototype INVERT suite will be evaluated gathering the feedback of prosecutor offices and LEAs officials to implement potential refinements and modifications. The validation will be performed during the final conference, hosted by the European Labour Authority. INVERT will also develop comprehensive training modules to build capacity of prosecutors and LEAs, strengthening their professional and technical capabilities in the fight against and the prevention of labour trafficking. Particular attention will be given to the actors involved in the trafficking chain and to transnational criminal groups. A dedicated training programme will be devoted to the investigations in order to make them more efficient and effective.
CyberHIMPREX Roma, 2023 - 2024 CYBERHIMPREX (Cybersecurity of Healthcare Improved in a X-border perspective) consortium is composed by three Healthcare Organizations (HCOs) located in Greece, Italy and Spain, and by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy), coordinator. CYBERHIMPREX project has the objective of improving the cybersecurity capabilities of the thre HCOs, also leveraging cross-border solutions , implementing a portfolio of 11 initiatives. The portfolio is inspired by the vision that the cybersecurity is obtained acting, according to a socio-technical approach , on HCO’s People, Organization/Processes, Technology; and leveraging the inter-organizational exchange of data and knowledge. Two initiatives will be implemented jointly by the HCOs: 1) Set-up a cross-border inter-organizational secure data sharing capability via a new tool, 2) Improve cybersecurity orientation of the procurement process via alignment with ENISA guidelines. The Coordinator and the three HCOs have been partners of these projects. The Project will also deliver a Case Study to provide policy makers with recommendations promotion, support and facilitation of 1) up-take of EU projects results, 2) holistic approach to cybersecurity investments, 3) investments for regulatory compliance 4) cross-border practices. OFFICIAL WEBSITE Sede: Roma Area Scientifica: scienze mediche Responsabile scientifico: Daniele Gui Periodo di svolgimento della ricerca: 2023 - 2024 #cybersecurity-aware culture #cybersecurity #ehealth #health data #innovation uptake #socio-technical approach #cyber risk mitigation #cross-border cybersecurity #cybersecurity training #information security.
Thera4Care Roma, 2024 - 2029 Thera4Care represents a large unique consortium, gathering well-established European academic radiotheranostic centres, strong industry partners, European and medical societies focusing on training and education, a patient advocacy group spearheaded by an experienced project management group. Thera4Care aims to establish a European network of radiotheranostics centres able to rapidly develop and implement radiotheranostics tools and solutions to drive precision health. The overarching vision of Thera4Care is to revolutionise radiotheranostics procedures by establishing, implementing, and disseminating standardised scalable methods to produce and efficiently administer key radiotheranostics solutions. Thera4Care focus is on developing diagnostic and therapeutic ligands tailored to key disease areas (such as solid tumours), aligning with the growing significance of multi-modal radiotheranostics solutions dominated by radionuclide-based therapy and companion diagnostics. WP1 handles Project Management, WP2 focuses on Regulatory aspects, WP3 plans Preclinical studies, WP4 provides Supply chain, WP5 develops Clinical Trials, WP6 generates AI models, WP7 focuses on Dosimetry, WP8 develops Precision Imaging components, while WP9 focuses on Education and Dissemination. Thera4Care will advocate for the progress of radiotheranostics, with the goal of increasing medical knowledge and enhancing treatment efficacy for improved patient outcomes. OFFICIAL WEBSITE SEE ALSO Sede: Roma Area Scientifica: scienze mediche Responsabile scientifico: Evis Sala Periodo di svolgimento della ricerca: 2024 - 2029 #radiotheranostic.
PROPHET Roma, 2022 - 2026 "PROPHET - a PeRsOnalized Prevention roadmap for the future HEalThcare" will develop a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for Personalized Prevention, in order to support the implementation of innovative, sustainable and effective personalized programmes to prevent common chronic diseases. However, development of Personalized Prevention approaches must be accompanied by healthcare system transition, including citizen engagement, healthcare professional education and addressing organisational, social and legal issues. PROPHET will be centred around stakeholder engagement and the SRIA co-creation process in relation to three main strands of activities: Mapping, Assessment, and Building. Secondly, we will design a holistic framework (the PROPHET Framework) that will include all the necessary aspects to appraise Personalized Prevention approaches and their adoption by Public Health Authorities (Assessment). Thirdly, we will support the introduction of Personalised Prevention Programmes by providing guidelines for their design, engaging with healthcare professionals (especially those working with policy makers), and increasing health literacy at the population level on the benefits of Personalized Prevention (Building). PROPHET will liaise with other key current and forthcoming initiatives at EU level, such as ICPerMed, European Partnership (EP) PerMed, the CSA Beyond 1 Million Genomes (B1MG), and the EP on Transforming Health and Care Systems. Official website see also Sede: Roma Area Scientifica: scienze mediche Responsabile scientifico: Prof.ssa Stefania Boccia Periodo di svolgimento della ricerca: 2022 - 2026 #personalised prevention #chronic diseases #omics data #public health #citizen empowerment #health literacy #stakeholder engagement #health system sustainability #capacity building.
SECRET Roma, 2024 - 2028 Over the past two decades, cells isolated from human perinatal (or birth-associated) tissues (amniotic membrane, umbilical cord tissue and cells from amniotic fluid), have been shown to provide tremendous pro-regenerative activities. Amongst others, the application of these cells or of components of their secretome, including extracellular vesicles (EVs) , have been found to improve myocardial infarction (MI), ischemic stroke (IS) and multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms in various animal models. Currently, cell-free therapies represent a frontierfor innovation in regenerative medicine for clinical unmet needs, however, very few scientists are trained for their clinical translation. “Exploring the therapeutic potential of perinatal cell SECRETomes - SECRET” sets out with the ambition to train 10 doctoral candidates (DCs) to disentangle the inherent therapeutic potential of perinatal cell secretomes (either as a whole or as fractionated small EVs) in order to possibile translate novel biologics into the clinic. These include the development and use of iPSC-derived organoids and organ-on-a-chip models to identify the most efficient perinatal cell secretome in terms of immunomodulation, angiogenesis, anti-fibrotic, cardio-protective and neuro-trophic properties, as well as the assessment of their in vivo cardiac reparative and neuro-regenerative potential using novel delivery methods. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. OFFICIAL WEBSITE SEE ALSO Sede: Roma Area Scientifica: scienze biologiche scienze mediche Responsabile scientifico: Ornella Parolini Periodo di svolgimento della ricerca: 2024 - 2028 #cardiovascular diseases #cell signalling and cellular interactions #gene therapy #cell therapy #regenerative medicine #neurological disorders #perinatal cells #secretome #extracellular vesicles #immunomodulation #organ-on-a-chip #organoids #regenerative m.
Caring Nature Roma, 2024 - 2026 Green transition is the behavioral intention of health and care providers (HCPs) even in presence of growing healthcare request after COVID-19. CARING NATURE’s (CN) 5 HCP, 5 innovation SMEs, 1 SDO, 2 industries and 5 Universities will construct and implement 10 healthcare specific solutions for carbon emissions and pollution (CEP) reduction demonstrated in 33 use cases. Sustainability transitions require transversal staff and Governance commitment: Staff engagement through participatory methods for Communities of Practice will be explored and systematized. Governance capability of HCPs, policy makers and investors urgently needs an operative framework since to evaluate interventions no simple measuring system of HCP environmental impact exists. CN framework consists of a decision support system based on information sharing, HCP specific social life cycle assessment and life cycle cost and sustainable finance evaluation models together with a reporting model compliant with EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Governance bodies and other stakeholders will benefit from an HCP specific eco-friendly approach to reengineering of processes for enforcing sustainability based on the Green Lean Six Sigma methodology. OFFICIAL WEBSITE Sede: Roma Area Scientifica: scienze mediche Responsabile scientifico: Gabriele Sganga Periodo di svolgimento della ricerca: 2024 - 2026 #health care #health management systems #environmental sustainability #waste management #energy management #building management #sustainability governance #telemedicine #ai #knowledge management #.
ExACT Roma, 2019 - 2024 The aim of the “European network staff eXchange for integrAting precision health in the health Care sysTems (ExACT)” is to train a new generation of professionals that can contribute to the future of health and healthcare (HC), by providing high-quality, multidisciplinary knowledge in precision health. Still policy makers, HC professionals, citizens, and private companies need to take some steps to realize its potential. In order to harness this challenging landscape, the ExACT consortium provides a cohesive framework for training staff across 7 EU Countries, 1 AC and 2 TCs. During 4 years, the staff involved will be trained on research topics not available at the home institutions thanks to 74 secondments. Research topics include: Integration of Big Data and digital solutions into the HC systems; Designing and promoting innovative citizen engagement models; Education of healthcare professionals and leadership; Health Technology Assessment in precision health; Ethical-legal, social, organisational and policy issues surrounding precision health. The consortium consists of 15 beneficiaries and 2 partners, of which 10 are academic institutions including Stanford University where a precision health program has been launched, and 7 non academics including 2 SMEs. In the long run, ExACT will foster the integration of precision health in the EU HC systems, thus contributing to better health for Europeans citizens. OFFICIAL WEBSITE SEE ALSO Sede: Roma Area Scientifica: scienze mediche Responsabile scientifico: Stefania Boccia Periodo di svolgimento della ricerca: 2019 - 2024 #public health and epidemiology #personalised medicine #diagnostic/prognostic biomarker #patient-orientated management solutions #health services #precision health #precision medicine #big data #citizen engagement #education of health professionals.
Home Pubblicazioni Open access Open access L’Università Cattolica sostiene l’ open access con la convinzione che rafforzi la visibilità, la diffusione e la valorizzazione sia a livello nazionale che internazionale dei risultati della ricerca scientifica. Il 6 dicembre 2006 ha aderito alla Dichiarazione di Berlino e nel 2008 ha dato avvio al primo Repository Istituzionale ad accesso aperto per le tesi di dottorato dell’Ateneo, DocTA . Nel 2012 è stato invece creato il Repository istituzionale delle pubblicazioni dell’Ateneo, con obbligo da parte di tutti i docenti e ricercatori di aggiornare le proprie pubblicazioni in PubliCatt . Il vantaggio immediato per i ricercatori è la possibilità di pubblicare in open access su determinate riviste senza costi diretti sui fondi di ricerca: Sono ormai sei i contratti trasformativi ( Transformative Agreements ) a cui l’UCSC ha aderito: Wiley , Springer Nature , Cambridge University Press , De Gruyter , Emerald, John Benjamins. Con questi contratti i ricercatori possono pubblicare articoli scientifici in Open Access senza costi aggiuntivi fino ad un tetto massimo annuale . Eventuali richieste di chiarimento o di approfondimento possono essere indirizzate a: per le sedi padane; per la sede di Roma.
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EDiHTA Roma, 2024 - 2027 Digital health technologies (DHTs) are expected to improve both the quality and delivery of healthcare services for European societies while ensuring the sustainability of Europe`s healthcare systems. DHTs are also able to collect real-world data and evidence relevant for decision makers. However, the implementation of DHTs implies new methodological challenges to the standardisation of assessment criteria. EDiHTA will be the first flexible, inclusive, validated and ready-for-use European HTA framework reaching TRL 6-7, allowing the assessment of different DHTs (e.g. telemedicine, mApps, AI) at different TRLs, territorial levels (national, regional and local) and perspectives (e.g. payer, society, hospital). The digital framework will be piloted in real healthcare settings in 5 major European hospitals and through an open piloting scheme with European DHT developers. Next to leading academic groups in HTA research, our multidisciplinary consortium includes HTA agencies, clinics as DHT end-users, technology providers and a patient organisation with links to the broader European healthcare landscape of regulatory bodies, policymakers and payers. EDiHTA will leverage its network to accelerate the market entry of new DHTs for the benefit of European society.