Scienze economiche e statistiche
- Bruno, Randolph Luca
Multinationals, innovation, and institutional context: IPR protection and distance effects - Cerrato, Daniele
Signaling stewardship and the value of family in a brand heritage Identity: a cross-cultural study of wineries - Clemente, Gian Paolo; Cornaro, Alessandra
A multilayer approach for systemic risk in the insurance sector - D'angelo, Alfredo
From latent to emergent entrepreneurship: the role of human capital in entrepreneurial founding teams and the effect of external knowledge spillovers for technology adoption - Ghisolfi, Selene
Market access and quality upgrading: evidence from four field experiments - Rizzati, Massimiliano Carlo Pietro; Guastella, Giovanni; Pareglio, Stefano
Kuznets and the cities: urban level EKC evidence from Europe - De Bernardi, Chiara; Pedrini, Matteo
Transforming water into wine: environmental bricolage for entrepreneurs - Montobbio, Fabio; Staccioli, Jacopo; Virgillito, Maria Enrica; Vivarelli, Marco
Robots and the origin of their labour-saving impact - Torelli, Riccardo
Credibility of environmental issues in non-financial mandatory disclosure: measurement and determinants - Veneziani, Monica
Environmental ethics, green innovation, and sustainable performance: Exploring the role of environmental leadership and environmental strategy