Perovskite nanodots superlattices: a pathway to artificial quantum materials
Brescia, 2023 - 2025
PNRR per la Missione 4, Componente 2, Investimento 1.1 - Avviso 104/2022 - Prot. 20228YCYY7 - CUP J53D23001380008 - Finanziato dall'Unione Europea Next Generation EU
Finding novel artificial platforms where to test in a controllable way the complex many-body physics of Correlated Quantum Materials (CQM) is one of the great challenges in condensed matter physics. Here we introduce perovskite nanodot superlattices as a new Quantum Simulator to investigate the most important manifestations of electronic correlations in solids, namely: i) Mott physics and ii) phases characterized by phase coherent long range order such as superconductivity or charge-ordering.
The fundamental units of these new artificial solids are small halide perovskite cubes hosting quantum confined optical excitons. The quantum dots self-organize into highly ordered three-dimensional superlattices, which can mimic real materials. Our guiding principle is to control the exciton distribution and density by means of ultrashort light pulses in order to reconstruct a phase diagram mirroring those of quantum correlated materials, which are usually explored by changing temperature/pressure and doping. To implement this program the excitonic insulator-to-metal Mott transition and the onset of cooperative superradiant phenomena will be investigated in artificial solids with tunable lattice spacing, unit cell symmetry, exciton lifetime and disorder. These results will provide an input for the development of a general theoretical framework to link the physics of excitons in artificial lattices to the formation of Mott insulating states and collective ordered phases (e.g. superconductivity, charge-order) that ubiquitously pervade the phase diagram of CQM, such as transition-metal oxides.
The project is cross-disciplinary and merges knowledge coming from photonic platforms and quantum materials. To succeed in this ambitious and unprecedented challenge, we brought together a team of experts characterized by complementary expertise in the fields of ultrafast spectroscopies (UCSC, PI), theory of correlated materials (SISSA) and sample synthesis via chemical means (IIT).
The different teams will work in tight collaboration to synthesize tailored samples, perform beyond-state-of-the-art coherent ultrafast experiments, and develop the models to interpret the observations and achieve the complete control of these new artificial solids.
The outcomes of this project will boost the design of artificial perovskite-based materials with quantum-enhanced functionalities, with impact on quantum photonics and information science. The comprehension of the key mechanisms controlling the insulator-to-metal Mott transition and the emergence of cooperative effects will shed new light on the ubiquitous ordering phenomena that are observed in quantum correlated materials but still defy a full explanation and control.
Working group:
- Claudio Giannetti - Responsabile scientifico UCSC
- Giada Bianchetti
- Alessandra Milloch
- Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
Sede: Brescia
Area Scientifica: scienze fisiche
Responsabile scientifico: Claudio Giannetti
Periodo di svolgimento della ricerca: 2023 - 2025