Roma, 2023 - 2024
CYBERHIMPREX (Cybersecurity of Healthcare Improved in a X-border perspective) consortium is composed by three Healthcare Organizations (HCOs) located in Greece, Italy and Spain, and by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy), coordinator. CYBERHIMPREX project has the objective of improving the cybersecurity capabilities of the thre HCOs, also leveraging cross-border solutions, implementing a portfolio of 11 initiatives. The portfolio is inspired by the vision that the cybersecurity is obtained acting, according to a socio-technical approach, on HCO’s People, Organization/Processes, Technology; and leveraging the inter-organizational exchange of data and knowledge. Two initiatives will be implemented jointly by the HCOs: 1) Set-up a cross-border inter-organizational secure data sharing capability via a new tool, 2) Improve cybersecurity orientation of the procurement process via alignment with ENISA guidelines. 7 of the 11 initiatives adopt solutions that have been developed by two H2020 projects: CUREX and PANACEA. The Coordinator and the three HCOs have been partners of these projects. The Project will fit with the scope of the call, because its initiatives will 1) implement objectives and requirements under the NIS Directive for the health sector, 2) adopt tools, methods, organisational and management practices dedicated to cybersecurity, also for cross-border information exchange 3) include cybersecurity education, awareness and skills development of healthcare staff. The Project will also deliver a Case Study to provide policy makers with recommendations promotion, support and facilitation of 1) up-take of EU projects results, 2) holistic approach to cybersecurity investments, 3) investments for regulatory compliance 4) cross-border practices.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Sede: Roma
Area Scientifica: scienze mediche
Responsabile scientifico: Daniele Gui
Periodo di svolgimento della ricerca: 2023 - 2024