Economic and statistical sciences
- Arbia Giuseppe
Spatial discrete choice models>: a review focused on specification, estimation and health economic applications - Cerniglia Floriana Margherita
Decentralization and economic growth in Europe: for whom the bell tolls - Colombo Emilio
Statistical learning and exchange rate forecasting - Consonni Guido
Objective Bayes model selection of Gaussian interventional essential graphs for the identification of signaling pathways - Corno Lucia
Age of Marriage, Weather Shocks, and the Direction of Marriage Payments - Crino' Rosario
Globalization and Mental Distress - Croci Ettore
Institutional investor networks and firm value/149892 - D'Angelo Alfredo
Bifurcation bias and exporting: Can foreign work experience be an answer? Insight from European family SMEs - Deldossi Laura
R Package OBsMD for Follow-Up Designs in an Objective Bayesian Framework - Ghisetti Claudia
The impact of public research on the technological development of industry in the green energy field - Lucifora Claudio
Health care utilization at retirement: The role of the opportunity cost of time - Massaro Domenico
Monetary policy under behavioral expectations: Theory and experiment - Montobbio Fabio
Inventor mobility and productivity in Italian regions - Moro Visconti Roberto
Big Data for the Sustainability of Healthcare Project Financing - Osmetti Silvia Angela
A new approach to measure systemic risk: A bivariate copula model for dependent censored data - Osmetti Silvia Angela
A multi-way analysis of international bilateral claimsx - Signori Andrea
Stock-financed M&As of newly listed firms - Sbuelz Alessandro; Tarelli Andrea
Structural recovery of face value at default - Turati Gilberto
Spatial inequality in access to healthcare: evidence from an Italian Alpine region - Vivarelli Marco
Drivers of Growth in Tunisia: Young Firms vs Incumbents