Research at Università Cattolica

Working Out of Poverty: accompanying the poor to become dignified agents of their development

Milan, 2018 - 2021

The overall objective of the research is to study the transformative potential inherent in decent work and income generating activities, focusing on the importance of investing in lasting relationships (accompaniment) as a crucial condition of the process of sustainable exit from poverty.

The non-material dimensions of development actions, in particular the quality of the personalised and lasting relationships that are established between the actors involved, can make the difference between simple assistance (in which the poor remain passive recipients of aid) and a real process of transformation that allows them to become "dignified agents of their own destiny" (Pope Francis, United Nations, 2015). The affirmation of the centrality of human work in the social issue, which belongs to the Christian tradition, has a profound value that transcends space and time; therefore this research proposal, that dares to cover different geographical areas and times, is justified.

The activities of the research group include a transdisciplinary dialogue that intersects with the fundamental empirical research activity on different case studies. The case study methodology is characterized by the tension towards transdisciplinary and by the adoption of a multi-instrument approach with the use of analysis techniques such as mixed quali-quantitative methods (in particular, qualitative analysis of interviews and quantitative textual analysis), impact analysis, field experiments, behavioural economics.


Working group:

  1. Beretta Simona - Department of International Economics, Institutions and Development
  2. Bestagno Francesco - Institute of International Studies
  3. Carera Aldo - The Mario Romani department of Economic and Social History and Geographical Sciences
  4. Caselli Marco - Department of Sociology
  5. Cocconcelli Pier Sandro - Department for Sustainable Food Process
  6. Colombo Emilio - Department of International Economics, Institutions and Development (Secretariat)
  7. Rovati Giancarlo - Department of Sociology
  8. Besana Claudio - The Mario Romani department of Economic and Social History and Geographical Sciences
  9. Fabrizi Enrico - Department of Economic and Social Sciences
  10. Locatelli Andrea Maria - The Mario Romani department of Economic and Social History and Geographical Sciences
  11. Puglisi Edoardo - Department for Sustainable Food Process
  12. Rizzi Paolo - Department of Economic and Social Sciences
  13. Rotondi Caludia - Department of International Economics, Institutions and Development
  14. Cova Alberto
  15. Bagnato Luca - Department of Economic and Social Sciences
  16. Balestri Sara - Department of International Economics, Institutions and Development
  17. Barabaschi Barbara - Department of Economic and Social Sciences
  18. Boerchi Diego - Department of Psychology
  19. Gerolin Alessandra - Dipartimento di Filosofia
  20. Pesenti Luca - Department of Sociology
  21. Giordano Francesca - Department of Psychology
  22. Chiodaroli Benedetta       
  23. Ferri Marcella
  24. Manfredi Matteo


  1. University of Notre Dame - Francia
  2. Ateneo de Manila - Filippine
  3. Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla - Messico
  4. Sedes Sapientae - Italia
  5. Stella Maris College

Faculties involved:

  • Faculty of Political and Social Sciences;
  • Faculty of Law;
  • Faculty of Economics;
  • Faculty of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences ;
  • Faculty of Economics and Law;
  • Faculty of Education.

Campus: Milan

Academic discipline: scienze economiche e statistiche

Scientific research manager: Prof.ssa Simona Beretta

Research period: 2018 - 2021