Social Relations at the Time of Personal Media in the Italian Ecclesial Reality. Subjects, Networks and Opportunities for Pastoral, Community and Educational Intervention
Milan, 2018 - 2021
Within the discussion on the meaning of the Church's mission in the current reality of communication that was launched at the last General Assembly of Bishops (May 2018), this research project aims to accompany - by becoming part of it - the two-year period of pastoral experimentation that the Social Communications Office of the CEI (Italian Episcopal Conference) intends to promote, in agreement with the other Offices, in the last two years of the Italian Church's decade on Education
The project intends to:
- investigate (surveys and qualitative surveys) the social links and their generativity, in the current condition of relevance of the media, with particular reference to the pastoral experiences that will be launched as part of the above-mentioned experimentation;
- develop an intervention methodology that decisively leverages the digital technologies to (re)arrange the social networks related to ecclesial communities. This provides the background for the monitoring of the MOOC’s "community" effects on digital education, which the CEI is about to carry out in collaboration with Università Cattolica and which will act as a catalyst for the experimentation;
- train professional figures capable of creating/relaunching/strengthening community contexts at ecclesial level from a social, organisational and digital point of view;
- develop tools, devices and intervention strategies to support and promote social relations at different levels (micro, meso, macro) thanks to digital technologies.
Working group:
- Boccacin Lucia - Department of Sociology
- Bramanti Donatella - Department of Sociology
- Iafrate Raffaella - Dipartimento di Department of Psychology
- Regalia Camillo - Dipartimento di Department of Psychology
- Rivoltella Pier Cesare - Department of Education
- Bertoni Anna Marta Maria - Dipartimento di Department of Psychology
- Carrà Elisabetta - Department of Sociology
- Ferrari Simona - Department of Education
- Ranieri Sonia - Dipartimento di Department of Psychology
- Carenzio Alessandra - Department of Education
- Lombi Linda - Department of Sociology
- Mizzau Lorenzo - Department of Economics and Business Management Sciences
- Paolino Chiara - Department of Economics and Business Management Sciences
- Ferrari Laura - Dipartimento di Department of Psychology
- Ufficio Nazionale per le Comunicazioni Sociali della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana - Italia
- University of Westminster - Regno Unito
Faculties involved:
- Faculty of Education;
- Department of Psychology;
- Faculty of Economics;
- Faculty of Political and Social Sciences.
Campus: Milan
Academic discipline: scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche scienze psicologiche scienze politiche e sociali
Scientific research manager: Prof.ssa Laura Boccacin
Research period: 2018 - 2021