Research at Università Cattolica

Human-Robot Confluence: towards a multimodal analysis of human-robot interactions

Milan, 2018 - 2021

The social dynamics that are established with robots would be analysed on three levels:

  1. The proximal man-robot interaction: a first dimension of analysis concerns the interaction between man and robot in the context of a shared motor activity. New generation robots perceive the physical characteristics of the environment around them and negotiate the use of resources in that space with other objects, robots, or humans. From the point of view of scientific research, human-robot interaction is characterised by dynamic behaviours that change in relation to the environmental conditions that are created. From this point of view, the main research questions are:

    • Are there differences in the proximal interaction between human-human and human-robot?

    • What are the most important communication channels for the effectiveness of this interaction?

  2. Presence and involvement in human-robot interaction: a second dimension of analysis concerns the way we perceive robots during interaction with them. There is no doubt that new generation robots are perceived differently from other machines. One reason is undoubtedly related to physicality, and the tangibility of autonomous robots that act as catalysts for interaction and create that particular phenomenon whereby human beings tend to anthropomorphize robots. However, as highlighted by the "Uncanny valley" phenomenon, there remains a certain level of emotional discomfort in the interaction with robots that limits human involvement in the interaction, reducing the level of "presence" of robots. In this perspective the main research questions are:

    • What are the main variables able to influence the level of presence and involvement in human-robot interaction?

    • How should robots be designed to be engaging for the human interlocutor?

  3. Trust and Decision-Making Processes in human-robot interaction: a third dimension of analysis concerns the ability of new generation robots to make decisions, a skill shared by other systems such as software agents. However, unlike software agents, the ability to make decisions in robots takes on a particular characteristic when combined with the ability to relate to the environment and negotiate the use of available resources in a dynamic way. From this point of view, the new generation robots represent a platform with which to study the theory of mind and the "trust" process. From this point of view the main research questions are:

    • How does the strategic interaction between human beings of different ages and robots take place in contexts of encouraged tasks - such as a repeated game of trust?

    • How does the attribution of a theory of mind in terms of mental states occur during interaction with the robot?

Working group:

  1. Maggioni Mario Agostino - Department of International Economics, Institutions and Development (Secretariat)
  2. Marchetti Antonella - Department of Psychology
  3. Riva Giuseppe - Department of Psychology
  4. Castelnuovo Gianluca - Department of Psychology
  5. Gaggioli AndreaDepartment of Psychology
  6. Gomarasca Paolo - Dipartimento di Filosofia
  7. Graffigna Guendalina - Department of Psychology
  8. Massaro Davide - Department of Psychology
  9. Uberti Teodora - Department of International Economics, Institutions and Development (Secretariat)
  10. Bigi Sarah Francesca MariaDipartimento di Department of Linguistic Sciences and Foreign Literatures
  11. Bonanomi Andrea - Dipartimento di Scienze statistiche
  12. Di Dio Cinzia - Department of Psychology
  13. Passarotti Marco Carlo - Dipartimento di Filosofia
  14. Repetto Claudia - Department of Psychology
  15. Rossignoli Domenico - Department of International Economics, Institutions and Development (Secretariat)
  16. Valle Annalisa - Department of Psychology
  17. Villani Daniela - Department of Psychology
  18. Barello Serena - Department of Psychology


University of Alberta, Stanford Univeristy, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Virtual Reality Medical Institute, Universitè de Quebec en Outaouais, Tu-delft, University of Pennsylvania, University College Cork, Universitat de Barcelona, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Universitat Jaume I, University Amsterdam, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Macquarie University, Max-planck-gesellschaft zur Forderung der Wissenschaft, Université Grenoble Alpes, Monash University - Institute/embl Australia, Universitat Zurich, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Universidade Lusòfona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Virtual Reality Medical Center, University of California - Berkeley, University of Lisbon, University of Antwerp, Université Cote d'Azur, Regional Ministry of Health, University of Sydney, Hopitaux Universitaires Genève, Kyoto University, University of Groningen, Université Paris Descartes, University of Windsor, University of Twente, Virginiatech, Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis - Senegal.  

Faculties involved:

  • Faculty of Political and Social Sciences;
  • Faculty of Education;
  • Faculty of Psychology;
  • Faculty of Arts and Philosophy;
  • Faculty of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences;
  • Faculty of Linguistic Sciences and Foreign Literatures.


Campus: Milan

Academic discipline: scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche scienze psicologiche

Scientific research manager: Prof. Giuseppe Riva

Research period: 2018 - 2021