La tua ricerca ha prodotto 6 risultati:
Popularitas Milano, 2018 - 2020 The Popularitas project aims to provide a comprehensive study of the precedents of populism in ancient Rome . The Latin adjective “popularis” had a passive meaning (the man who enjoys the favour of the people), but also an active one (the man who seeks the favour of the people). The Popularitas project will historicize for the first time a much-discussed political phenomenon of our time and highlight similarities (and differences) with the ancient political practice. It will provide the tools for a diachronic assessment of modern populism, opening new research prospects . Its ambition is not only to be useful to the historians of the ancient world, but also to offer to political scientists and sociologist some fresh material and a new starting point for a proper understanding of the phenomenon. Working group : Giuseppe Zecchini – Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Gianpaolo Urso Sede: Milano Area Scientifica: scienze dell’antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche Responsabile scientifico: Prof. Giuseppe Zecchini Periodo di svolgimento della ricerca: 2018 - 2020 #populism #consensus #ancient rome #history #msca-if #faculty of arts and philosophy.
CineAF Milano, 2020 - 2022 Despite rising institutional concern for the gender gap in the European job market in general (EU Gender Action Plan 2016-2020) and the film industry in particular, the Italian market share of films directed by women in the period 2006-2013 was 2.7%, while that by male directors was 97.3%. The Italian film industry is sealed shut even tighter for creators whose ide ntities intersect womanhood with a non-white or migrant background. This action redresses the persistence of this staggering imbalance by addressing the near-absenting of women’s and accented voices, both in the discourse around and practice of Italian filmmaking . Research by the European Women’s Audiovisual network has found access to funding to be the most problematic aspect hindering gender equality in the Italian cinema sector . The project will accomplish two objectives at once: the obviation of encrusted film historiography canons, and the creation of an alternative archive of cinematic creativity with the capacity to reinvent the category of Italian cinema. CineAF will showcase the persistence of women's creativity despite the deficits and biases of the industry, and therefore shift the onus onto industry actors to explain why they have left such a vast fount of material on the margins. Working group : Mariagrazia Fanchi – Director of ALMED Roza Barotsi Sede: Milano Area Scientifica: scienze dell’antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche Responsabile scientifico: Mariagrazia Fanchi Periodo di svolgimento della ricerca: 2020 - 2022 #gender studies #women #visual arts #film #race #discrimination and inequalities #msca-if #faculty of arts and philosophy.
Home Progetti Finanziatori nazionali Community identity between museum, great decoration in a public buildings and the city: sources, projects, collections, iconographic themes and strategies for self-rappresentation in the nineteenth and twentith centuries. The focus will be on the strategies of self-representation of urban communities between 19th and 20th Century, based on the case-studies of a few selected cities (Milan, Naples, Padua, Verona, Brescia, Bergamo, and Venice), seen as spaces for the experimentation of research methods and the application of specific cultural tools. The research will consider the phenomenon of displaying as it has been manifested inside and outside of the museums, and in the places of public gathering, in an attempt to comprehend and compare strategies and meanings adopted by communities to communicate their aesthetic, historical, social, political, and cultural image. The proposed chronology covers the period from the broad transformations of the latter half of the 19th Century to the present: it will be studied through archive research, inquiry on visual documents, the analysis of guides, journals, and various publications, including the most recent visual and multimedia sources. The Verona and Padua units will focus primarily on the city as widespread museum, as the place of self-representation of both new and old identities, in a critical period like that between the 19th and 20th Century. The core of their research will be the analysis of those artistic enterprises that shaped the visual identity of some cities in Veneto and Lombardy, creating new cultural, social, and political forms of identity-projection. Sede: Milano Area Scientifica: scienze dell’antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche Responsabile scientifico: Prof. Alessandro Rovetta Periodo di svolgimento della ricerca: 2020 - 2023 #urban studies #museology #landscape drawing #cultural heritage #social identity #prin #faculty of arts and philosophy #.
Petrarca on-line: biography, works, library
Home Progetti Finanziatori nazionali Petrarca on-line: biography, works, library. At the same time, however, such technology cannot be perfectly controlled or trustworthy, a fact that can condition the methodological procedures of textual and literary criticism. In order to deal with this problem, the scientific community has tried to take the necessary precautions, beginning by directly observing, controlling and managing the potential of, and the materials offered by, Internet. Among this wealth of information, however, is notable the absence of a scientifically based website dealing exclusively with the life and works of Francesco Petrarch. The bilingual (Italian and English) website will take the form of a freely accessible and interactive platform , with digital resources deriving from ecdotic, philological, codicological-palaeographical and literary-critical research. Working group: Carla Maria Monti - Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Simona Gavinelli - Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Partner: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Coordinator); Università degli Studi di Messina; Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara; Università degli Studi di Bologna. Sede: Milano Area Scientifica: scienze dell’antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche Responsabile scientifico: Prof. Marco Petoletti Periodo di svolgimento della ricerca: 2020 - 2023 #medieval italian literature #humanistic philology #italian literature #petrarca #faculty of arts and philosophy.
Lyric poetry books in the early modern Italy: digital archives and new editorial practices
Home Progetti Finanziatori nazionali Lyric poetry books in the early modern Italy: digital archives and new editorial practices. Lyric poetry books in the early modern Italy: digital archives and new editorial practices Brescia, 2020 - 2020 Sede: Brescia Area Scientifica: Responsabile scientifico: Prof. Andrea Canova Periodo di svolgimento della ricerca: 2020 - 2020 #faculty of arts and philosophy.
Technology, Texts and Books in Central and Northern Italy in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Technology, Texts and Books in Central and Northern Italy in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries Milano, 2020 - 2023 “The Dawn of Italian Publishing. Technology, Texts and Books in Central and Northern Italy in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries” is a research project intended to provide a radically new view of the history of book output from the Fifteenth century up to the beginning of the Sixteenth century in Central and Northern Italy. On the one hand, the project will conduct a more rational, general examination of publishing as a radically new industry; on the other it will analyse specific problems in terms of bibliographical, historical and textual approaches. The study will build on the prestigious, authoritative scientific collaboration of the CERL (Consortium of European Research Libraries), whose databases will be the first destination for the large quantity of previously unknown or little-known data garnered by the project. The project is intrinsically interdisciplinary and will call on multiple skills: literary, textual, historical, bibliographical, and history of the language. An especial attention will be given to book production in non-Latin alphabets, both regarding the typologies and the different tongues that expressed themselves through Italian printing shops, a feature that will call on specific and unusual skills of members of the team.